
Glitch Face

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Glitch Face

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Ready for the spooky season or just a fan or horror?
No matter the cause for why you wanna send chills down peoples spine this package should help with just that.

The package comes with a mask to put on your vrchat avatar and a few animations helping the mask be truely terrifying for those fearful off the dark and what may lurk within.

Note "Hide" material should use Standard Shader if it appears as missing shader.
You can edit the the mask by scaling it as much as you want and should fit most face shapes by scaling it in the axis your face is smaller or larger in.

The list of animations goes as follows:

  • Mask

  • Darkness (Existing toggle for alternate view locally so user enabling the animation isn't blind)

  • Finger Strings

  • Floating Faces (Can be enabled for when darkness is enabled)

  • Grave (Can be enabled for when darkness is enabled)

  • Darkness Stage (Particles insde the stage are automatically turned on with it)

  • Smoke

Big thanks to Prisma Snake for helping with recording the encounter video.

Setup can be found in the last video in the cover slide on this gumroad listing.
It is recomended to have basic unity knowledge when purchasing this products


Personal License - You may use the package on your private avatars that doesn't directly generate revenue this does include if you're a youtuber or streamer generating revenue in a direct way off of the package.

Commercial License - You're free to use the package on paid vrchat avatars as well as using it as a way to generate revenue in any media format.

You may use the avatar for Public avatars.
You may not use for free avatars or nitro avatars

Do not resell as a standalone product, only on finished avatars.

When using this package link to this asset should exist in the description of the avatar.

I want this!

A vrchat horror themed animation package

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